So you're probably looking through this blog and wondering why this blog exists and how this is different from any other blog or discussion board where you can find out about retro gaming. Let me provide a window into my thoughts and mind (yes, I'm going that meta).
I've been really reflecting on the purpose of this blog as I set it up for a graduate school assignment (yes, this is partially for school) and I feel that the primary difference between this blog and discussion boards/Reddit (where retro gaming is discussed) is that those environments feel very "revolving door" in nature. People (myself included) put so much effort into their collections and post their progress, yet there is no way to really keep track of everyone and follow along for the ride; in other words, they get lost in the noise of it all, and that's really disappointing to me. People post on Reddit to get "upvotes" and "karma," (and there's nothing wrong with that) and for that brief moment they are in the spotlight, then their posts fade to the bottom and are forgotten.
I feel that this blog is one person documenting their collecting story in great detail, from the perspective of what I consider to be a "normal" person (working, school, house, family life, etc.). There are some terrific YouTube channels that have great videos, and they have generally been received very well (and subsequently have a fan following). I know many people don't have the time to watch YouTube videos, or can't watch them via mobile or at work, so being able to digest content via blog could be helpful and entertaining. I think that blogs, in general, require either really good SEO or a really good cult following to be successful, so in that regard I don't see too many converts coming over here from sites like Reddit (and that's okay). Sites like Reddit and discussion boards specialize in providing users small increments of easy to digest information. The problem with those sites is that they don't offer a way to "follow" a person of interest should they find that person's postings informative (at least not in any kind of logical fashion).
I have been populating this blog with pictures that I have taken (in chronological order) that document my experiences and feelings as I collect games. I hope that someone out there will learn something from reading through this blog, or maybe find something enjoyable in its content. If nothing else there are pretty pictures of some pretty crappy games, so I hope you enjoy and comment on anything that peaks your interest.
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