So I've decided against using the UGCs for NES carts, as it would be far too much work to trim cases, print covers, and have the games take up more space on the shelf (not to mention the whole standardization of covers issue). I have a really neat idea for storing these NES games that I'll show off in a later post. That being said, I decided to trim up a few UGCs for the sake of storing larger-than-normal system accessories, namely the Super Gameboy and Game Genie.
I don't own a Dremel, but was able to borrow one from a friend of mine. Armed with a reinforced cutting wheel I set up a work bench and got started on trimming some UGCs with the expectation that a few wouldn't make it. After trimming ALL internal tabs I wasn't able to fit a Super Gameboy inside of the case, so I may have to get a retail box down the road. That was a pretty big disappointment given how much time I spent trimming all of the tabs, not to mention the 5 UGCs I lost in experimenting and getting my hands steady (thankfully I have TONS left). The good news is that I was able to trim up a case for the Sega Game Genie with great success. Now that I have to return the Dremel I know two things for sure, 1) I need a Dremel in my life and 2) I will be doing more of these in the future for other larger-than-normal carts.
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