So the Half Price Books on North Lamar (which is still a pain to get to, regardless of its north-ness) is notorious for overpricing their games. They are the highest-traffic store in Austin, but all of their game buyers look everything up on eBay and Amazon and price accordingly. My response? If' I wanted to go off of eBay and Amazon prices I'd just buy from them, save on the taxes (eBay), and avoid going down the mess that is the Lamar-Burnet-Koenig corridor. Having said that, the instant gratification factor leads people to do stupid things, thus my visit to the store.
I have been eyeing this game for a while now, but the price was a bit shocking. $25 freaking dollars for a Dreamcast game in this day and age is lunacy, and they even had a few for $40. Knowing that these games had to have some worth I did a bit of research and found that Gundam Side Story 0079's going rate is about $25 on eBay for the Japanese copy, with very few (if any) US copies listed. I figured that this must have been a poorly received port from Japan, and given the going rate on eBay the asking price at Half Price was fair....after a 40% coupon I used. These coupons, combined with Half Price being under the radar for game collecting, has been very good to me thus far.
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