Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Fighting Game Owners and Poorly Treated Games?

So one of my final 32X pick-ups (for now) is the ever-elusive and well-made Mortal Kombat II. From what I have heard (and seen to an extent) the 32X version sports better sprites, smoother graphics, and an overall better gaming experience than the Genesis edition. Is this worth the cost of the 32X, plus the hassle of finding the games, getting them to work, etc.? Probably not.....but I'm just a bit crazy.

Anyways, moving onto the topic at hand. One thing I have noticed over the years, especially now, is how fighting games tend to be in really poor condition most of the time. It's not a particular franchise or console, but the genre as a whole. I can't help but wonder why this is the case. Is it a demographics sort of deal? Are fighting-game fans less careful with their things? Does it have something to do with their household? Am I over-thinking this? Take care of your things, people! I have had one hell of a time finding clean copies of Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter, and we all know how many iterations exist on the SNES and Genesis.


  1. Hi, Nice post thanks for sharing. Would you please consider adding a link to my website on your page. Please email me back. Thanks!

    Aaron Grey

    1. Hey, sorry for the late reply. I would be more than happy to add a link on here! Let me know what the URL to your site is and I'll throw a link up on the right.

  2. LOL! I just pictured people who own fighting games flinging their controllers across the room or getting pissed off and throwing the game at the wall...those violent fighting games and their players! ha!
