Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Free Black Ops on Launch Day

Normally I don't really play any of the Call of Duty/Battlefield games, or any of the war-types of games to begin with. While I think they're fun and each has their own unique "flavor" they all tend to run into one another and I don't play nearly enough to be competitive online. I also never buy a game on launch day, simply because I don't have the means to buy the game at full retail (and it will ultimately come down in price). Having said that, how did I get Black Ops II for free?

Well, if you remember the post on wall-mounting the LCD TV in my office you'll recall that I was able to do this because I bought a new TV for my bedroom. That TV, a 37" Samsung, was actually pretty nice, but a better deal was to be had. Fry's had a 47" LG LCD TV on sale from $998 to $398, with two pairs of 3D glasses included. Saving $200 while gaining 10 extra inches of screen size was more than worth it for me to pack up the Samsung and return it, but the story gets better. LG is currently running a promotion where you can get a free copy of Black Ops II with the purchase of select LG models, including the one that was on sale. After getting into a heated discussion with several managers at Fry's I was able to get my free copy of Black Ops II, effectively making my TV cost ~$340. Now that is what I call a slick deal.

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